
From FroobWorld Wiki
Hiros Armor.
Hiros Armor.
AliasesHiro, Knight, Eques, Dragonborn, Rasputin
Join dateUnknown
Favourite blockDeepslate Bricks

• HiroKnight5

Fortis fortuna adiuvat

Audaces fortuna juvat

Ad vitam aeternam


• Joining - After joining Froob, he set off, rtp-ing until he found a good spot for his cabin, in a snowy tundra.


• The Cabin - Shortly after outgrowing his small cabin, he set his sights on creating a larger version of the quaint house, complete with a living room, storage, kitchen, enchanting area, and of course, the bedroom.

bellowbellow• The Discs - Hiro later found the disc Precipice whilst looting a trial chamber. He later bought his second disc Creator.

• Trivia

• "The Server" - Hiro often refers to Froobworld simply as "The Server."


• Secret Expressions - In the right moments, it appears you can see the eyes of The Knight beyond his black helm.


  • "Subscribe to Hiro Knight."
  • "No place like home, especially when its mine."
  • In response to "Wait they can hear me?" "Always have been"
  • "Why do I hear banjo music?"
  • "I am scared... of women..."
  • "Bees are Beeing."
  • "I am also attracted to your mother."



Hiro's Cabin - Hiro is currently in a state of forever-build, where his house is both complete by others standards but not his.

Castle Crystollos - A new town popping up in the tundra spikes.



YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@HiroKnight5

Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/hiroknight5

Picture Gallery