Fish Tower

From FroobWorld Wiki

What was Fish Tower?

  • Fish Tower was a tower built by TheInsomniacFish.
  • The Tower, build entirely of cobbled stone, had a wooden throne inside, which fish would sit on during the explosion.
    • They were strapped to it with TNT (refer to image 3).

Fish Tower Destruction

  • On the 8th of August, 2024, the destruction of Fish Tower commenced. This was a huge event, as many had grown to hate the cobblestone eye-sore.
    • People were offering diamonds to fish to demolish the building.
  • Leading this demolition, was player Meekiale. Meek also provided the TNT, and claimed the area to allow for explosions.

The Aftermath

  • The aftermath of the Fish Tower demolition was a mix of happiness, and sadness. For fish, they had gotten 10 diamonds out if it, but lost (one of) their greatest creations. Others cheered as this cobblestone abomination had been ruining their views and lowering property values.
  • In its place, a small cobblestone fish was built. A memorial to that which once was.