
From FroobWorld Wiki
(Redirected from KorokInDisguise)
Korok's Current Skin
Korok's Current Skin
Join dateApril 7th, 2024
Favourite blockCherry wood

Korok joined Froobworld on April 7th, 2024 and traveled to the north border to begin construction of her island home, but before building even the first floor of her house she created her pixel art. Soon after completing the main part of her island Korok saw MangoRat building near her on the map and gave her a welcoming gift! Mango moved in with her shortly after on June 16th after refusing to leave her attic. Korok is known for creating the Chof_Pathetic map art, building only with pink blocks, and general nabbery. She became trusted on June 28th, 2024, and was promoted to staff on December 13, 2024. Later, on January 24, 2025, EnergizerWabbit finally manned up and proposed to Korok.


Korok's prized pixel art.
  • Korok's main base, located on a small island next to the North border
  • A home in Olympus
  • Cherry wood home in Avalon
  • A home in Acadia
  • Tundra Hobbit Hole