Server guide/Rollbacks

From FroobWorld Wiki

This is a collection of tips for Staff using CoreProtect's rollback feature. The rollback command operates very similarly to CoreProtect's lookup command, however there are a few quirks to keep in mind.

For more information on the rollback command, see CoreProtect's documentation here.

Tips and tricks

  1. Always specify a user in the rollback command.
  2. Always perform a lookup before you do a rollback to see what it is going to affect. The parameters are the same as a lookup except for the radius (you must specify a radius for a rollback, if not it defaults to 10). You can also add #preview to the end of a rollback command to test the rollback command first (e.g. co rollback u:froobynooby t:1d r:30 #preview.
  3. Ensure the rollback does not affect any other players. For example, if the player being rolled back was helping someone to build something, be sure that will not be affected by the rollback.
  4. To do a global rollback (all worlds) use radius:#global. Be careful with this and, again, make sure you do a lookup first.
  5. If you are rolling back someone who has bought some items legitimately from player shops, make sure not to roll back those shops (if the payment was already collected, the rollback will return the item they bought without removing the payment, so it essentially duplicates the item). Generally this is not an issue for players who are caught quickly before payments can be collected.
  6. Do not rollback theft that has been manually fixed by Staff - this will result in duplicated items as it will not remove the items replaced by Staff.
  7. Do not roll back single actions like block place only, container insert only, etc. Roll back all actions at the same time (if you do not specify an action, CoreProtect will roll back everything except for inventories and entities killed - this is what you should be doing most of the time). Rolling back single actions will lead to inconsistencies.
  8. If you are rolling back someone for griefing, check afterwards if they have killed any entities that need to be rolled back. You need to roll it back separately by specifying action:kill in the rollback command.
  9. If multiple players were together and need to be rolled back, combine them into one rollback. You can comma separate names to rollback multiple players at the same time /co rollback u:froobynooby,thechief13 t:1d r:100. Not doing this can lead to inconsistencies after the rollback (for example, floating blocks, duplicated items).
  10. Do not roll back inventories. It is very unintuitive and can result in duplicated items or more items being lost.
  11. There is also a restore command /co restore. This undoes rollbacks using the same parameters. Generally this should not be used, it can result in inconsistencies that need to be manually fixed.