
From FroobWorld Wiki


Good evening froobworld,
A serious problem has come to my attention: Froobworld's monopolization.
Huge spawn shops are taking over the economy. In froobworld's current economy, it's hard to get ahead.
Froobworld should be a place that supports small players and their shops. And with how it's looking right now, that isn't going to happen.
Monopolies need to stop. Shops in froobworld shouldn't be another income source for the rich. They should be a way for anyone to make money. Diamonds may be plentiful, but only among veteran players.
I ask all of you to help support me in my quest to demonopolize froobworld. I am already working on a list of propositions to help this.
With profound sincerity,
RookieGolden (talk) 02:23, 14 March 2024 (CET)