The Crypt/Arked Manor

From FroobWorld Wiki

The history of

     Arked Manor
  • The world is lost and thus we set out for the far reaches of the world to make our stand.

Degeneracy and genetic deviation hath spread developing into a sea of zombified terror.

We will persist. Against these zombies.

  • Fortified and broad, the walls of the manor hold strong against the waves of the dim.

Our border expands tediously but nevertheless.

Tradition will persevere.

  • "Our lead alchemist, Poldt of the Reight has developed a new concoction of matter that has a critical effect on the disease spreading invaders. War is upon us." - timaeus39

Burn every village, every thing in it. Our Quads to the offensive.

  • There are tales to the West of a will and weapon for to destroy the sickly-skinned flesh-eaters.

Collectivism and cannibalism are afronts to nature and will be stamped out posthaste.

I have sent men.

  • Know that this last bastion of humankind will not rest.

"Tell Ribben of the Trop to express my regrets to those left behind."

All of them. They will rest in ruin. The world will know despair before it knows peace.

  • The stone used to build the perimeter comes from the farthest depths.

The wood, petrified.

The people are as hard as the diamond they gather.

The gore of Ark's enemies will splatter the walls.

  • No royals nor merchants. No pirates nor legislatives. They created that which they deserve and deserve nothing from sanctuary.

Arked Manor hath nothing for them. They have nothing for us.

Let them fall.