The Crypt/MK Mythos

From FroobWorld Wiki

Circa 2015 a young MenKissing has just joined a minecraft server named WULFENRAT, which was a creative server at the time and is still up to this day. I was a member nearly 2 months and hopped off for the night one day, and uppon revisiting the next day I was jailed.

  1. - Durring this time there was no rollbacks, Core Protect or logs to show I had done anything wrong at all. Just simply having the bucket of lava in my inventory was a jailable offense because someone had greifed the night before. This was the begining of MK LORE...
  2. - Nearly a week after my jail I had been released, I was a new man.. Or was I?

Instead of taking my false punishment and letting it go I decided it would be better to wait until the time was right, soon after the staff and other players left I began greifing the server.

  1. - After I had done what had needed to be done, the server was UNRECOGNIZABLE

and the next morning I was permenantly banned from Wulfenrat. This did not phase me and over the next year I had decided that there was a lot more to mc than juist mining and crafting.

  1. - Exploiting was now the next big thing, a new dupe for mc or a new forceop exploit would pop up nearly weekly and I was the first to the punch using my knowledge of exploits and glitches to rain havoc on any server that I laid eyes on. In total between 2016 - 2017 I had greifed nearly 29 servers.
  2. - I began noticing that a client was on the rise, this client was known as inertia client, I was so interested in this client that I joined the development team and began using my knowledge of exploits and this games code to develop many of the modules you may know of today. This was just the begining.
  3. - I worked on inertia for a long time, long enough to know what it had begun being used for. A server had began to peak my interest known as 2b2t, "the oldest anarchy server in minecraft". I had joined the server in 2017 late november, and soon began paying for the queue.
  4. - Now after paying for the queue I was a certified member and then stopped developing inertia and I bought Future Client for 20$ aswell, and did not continue developing for a team instead opting to develop my own modules for the client that I exclusively could own and use.
  5. - I had several modules not known to the public yet such as NEWCHUNK and other coordinate exploits using chat messages, it would only be a matter of time before these were picked up by the main devs but it would always be me who was the first and that caught someones attention.
  6. - The 5th Column was a greifing group well known on the server as the greatest who had the best exploits and players. Some names you may know who are in the 5th column now are DuperTrooper, TheMisterEpic, The Horizon, and Zman1064.
  7. - I was pm'd on discord by the current owner of the 5th column Pepsilord420, and was soon recruited as the main exploit developer for the group. I had been involved in the greif of 15 different mega bases created on the server including but not limited to, Valley of Jesus, and SkyMasons.
  8. - Bernheim, The Holy Land, Lidenbrock, and TONS more.

Minecraft had consumed my life at this point and it had began to take over everything and I knew I had to take a break. Officially retiring on Oct 21'st 2022. And this only made things worse.

  1. - Long story short I had gotten to the point of internet hacking, that I was expelled from school in my highschool year of 2023 for an internet related offense. And I had to reform becoming a better person and and from then on I had changed.
  2. - The Legacy of MenKissing must be a better one and after being exiled from another Vanilla Mc Server for using baritone I had deleted all clients and softwares from my computer and joined Froobworld.
  3. - The rest is history...

"Judgement and prejudice is a tool used to separate the intelligent from the unintelligent." - Menkissing

  1. - §kEEEEEEEEEEE§r

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