The Crypt/NYC Laws 1

From FroobWorld Wiki
         of the
  State of New York
    §o  §8Respecting§§
   §0    Navigable              Communications§r


     §o  between§r§r

§0 The Great Westers and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean§r

  1. - AN ACT to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of this State.

|. Be it §oenacted by the People of the State of New-York represented in Senate Assembly§r, That Stephen Van Rensselaer, De Witt Clinton, Samuel Young, Joseph Ellicott, and

  1. - Myron Holley, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to consider, devise and adopt such measures as may or shall be requisite, ot facilitate and effect communicatio, by means of canals and locks, between the navigable of Hudson's river and lake Erie, and the said
  2. - navigable waters and lake Champlain; and in case of resignation or death of any of the said commissioners, the vacancy thereby occasioned, shall be supplied by the Legislature, in the manner in which senators of the United States, from this state, are
  3. - directed to be chosen.

||. §oAnd be it further enacted§r, §r§o§r§0That the said commissioners shall choose on of their number, to be presidenrt of their board, and shall appoint a fit person for their secretary, who shall be allowed and paid such salary as the said

  1. - commissionersshall deem proper and reasonable: And the president of the said board of commissioners, shall have the power to call a meeting of the same whenever, in his opinion, the public interests require it; and the said board may adjorn from time to time, to meet at any
  2. - time and place they may deem most conducive to the public good: §oAnd further§,§r§r§0§0, the said commissioners shall have the power to employ such and so many agents, engineers, surveyors, draftsmen, and other persons, as in their opinion may be necessary to enable
  3. - them to fulfil and discharge the duties imposed upon them by this act, and to allow and pay the said agents, engineers, surveyors, draftsmen, and other persons for their respective services, such sum or sums as may be adequate and reasonable.
  4. - |||. §oAnd be it further enacted§,, §0That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, as soon as may be after the passing of this act, to cause those parts of the territoryof this state which may lie upon or contihous to the probable courses and ranges of said canals, to be explored and
  5. - examined for the purpose of fixingand determining the most eligible and proper routes for the same, and to cause all necessary surveys and levels to be taken, and accurate maps, field books and drafts thereof to be made, and further to adopt and recommend proper plans for the
  6. - construction and formation of the said canals, and of the locks, dams, embankments, tunnels and aqueducts which may be necessary for the completion of the same, and to cause all necessary plans, drafts and miodels thereof to be executed under their directon.
  7. - |V. §oAnd be it further inacted§r, §r§0That the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall be, and they are here by authorised and required to make application in behalf of this state, to the goverment of the United States, and of such states and territories as may be benefitted by the said
  8. - canals or either of them, to the proprietors of lands though or near which the said canals or either of thenm may or may bebe proposed to pass, to all bodies politic and corporate, public or private, and all citizens or inhabitants of this or any other of the United States, for
  9. - cessions, grants or donations of land or money, for the purpose of aiding in the contruction or completing of both or either of the said canals, according to the discretion of the several grantors or donors, and to take to the people of this state, such grants and conveyances as
  10. - may be proper and competent to vest a good and sufficeint title in the said people to the lands so to be ceded or granted as aforesaid, and for the purposes above mentions, it shall be the duty of such said commissioners to open books of subscription in sich and so many places as they may
  11. - think necessary and expedient, and under such rules and regulations as they may from time to time establish; §oAnd further,§§ §o§0it shall be their duty to ascertain whether to any and what amount, and upon what terms loands of money may or can be procured on the credit of this state,
  12. - for the purposes aforesaid.

§oPart One§r------

 ❂◙§o Completed§r ◙❂