The Crypt/NYC Laws 2

From FroobWorld Wiki
           Laws                      of the
  State of New York
    §o  §8Respecting§§
   §0    Navigable              Communications§r


     §o  between§r§r  
 The Great Westers     and Northern Lakes  and the Atlantic Ocean§r
        §6§lPart 2
  1. - §0V. §oAnd be it further enacted, §0That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to make, or cause to be made, with as much accuracy and minuteness as may be, calculations and estimates of the sum or sums of money which may or will be necessary for completing each of the
  2. - saidcanals, according to the plan or plans which may be adopted and recommended by them, for the contruction or formation of the same, and to cause the said calculations and estimates, and all surveys, maps, field books, plans, drafts, and models authorized and directed by this
  3. - act, or so many thereof as may be completed, together with a plain and comprehensive report of all their proceedings under and by virtue of this act, to be presented to the Legislature of this state within twenty days after the commencement of the next regular annual
  4. - session thereof.

V|. §oAnd be it further enacted, §0That the treasurer shall, on the warrant of the comptroller, pay to the order of a majority of the said commissioners, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, any sum

  1. - or sums not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and for which the said commissioners shall account to the comptroller of this state.

V||. §oAnd be it further enacted, §0That the act entitled "an act to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of

  1. - this state," passed the 8th day of April 1811, and the act, entitled "an act further to provide improvement of the internal navigation of this state," passed June 19th, 1812, be the same and hereby repealed.