Wiki guide/Style guide

From FroobWorld Wiki

This is the style guide for the FroobWorld Wiki. Articles should follow the formatting rules here to stay consistent with the rest of the wiki. Articles that follow the style guide will have improved search engine optimisation and compatibility with different desktop and mobile devices.

Section headings

An example of an article with heading types annotated.

Section headings separate an article into logical chunks. There are five different levels of headings that can be used in an article.

== Level 2 heading ==

=== Level 3 heading ===

==== Level 4 heading ====

===== Level 5 heading =====

====== Level 6 heading ======

Note: do NOT use level 1 headings (i.e. = Don't use this =). The title of the page is the level 1 heading. Adding extra level 1 headings is bad for search engine optimisation.

General rules for headings:

  • Use sentence casing (for example, == History and development == rather than == History and Development ==.
  • Do not have a heading as the first text on a page. Before any heading, the top of the article should have a summary explaining the subject of the article.
  • Do not include links in titles.
  • Make the heading unique within the page so section links work.