Dragonbreathjr's Birthday Party

From FroobWorld Wiki
Attendees and Party Site


Dragonbreathjr's Birthday Party was a result of the coronavirus, meaning that birthday parties in real life could not be organized safely. Jbko6 was the organizer, and on 6 June 2020 the party was announced in #player-events of the FroobWorld Discord server. The party took place on 13 June at 7:15PM EST. Eight players attended, including Jbko6 and Dragonbreathjr.


Planning began on 5 June 2020, when Jbko6 had the idea to throw a birthday party for Dragonbreathjr on Froobworld. On 6 June 2020, Jbko6 sent a message to TheChief13 asking if the event could be advertised in the channel #announcements of the FroobWorld Discord server. Chief's response was to add a new channel, #player-events to the server. This channel would later be used to advertise several other important events, such as several trivia nights, Flowerboy's auction, Jbko6's Casino opening, and 4wd's dungeon game opening.

A view of the party site

Immediately after announcing the party, Jbko6 travelled to a location northeast of Hooliville and began clearing out a lot area for the party. At the time, an enormous fireworks show was planned, and so a lot of flat space was required. To do this, Jbko6 enlisted the help of Water1i11y. Around 7 June 2020, Jbko6 began construction on the party site.

The Dragon's Breath item given out to all attendees

It took approximately five days to complete the party and gather supplies for gift bags which were planned to be given out. In the end, the party site included a disco floor with two modes for lights, random firework dispensers which also had a toggle to autofire, cake, and gift bags for every attendee. The gift bags included an elytra, gold blocks, redstone blocks, and an extremely special named Dragon Breath item. During this period, the fireworks display was cancelled due to lack of time.

During planning, a custom resourcepack containing some of Dragonbreathjr's favourite songs was made. These songs replaced music discs, and so in this way, the party was able to have live music. NightAngelYT volunteered to DJ for the party and Jbko6 happily agreed to that.

Leading up to the day of the party, coordinates were given out to all players in the FroobWorld Discord server. However, Froob soon made a warp to the party so that players would not be forced to fly thousands of blocks to the party.

The Day of the Party

A sign at the entrance to the party site

On 13 June 2020 at 7:15PM EST, Dragonbreathjr's birthday party officially began. In attendance was Jbko6, Dragonbreathjr, Metalic_Shield, Froobynooby, flowerboy1991, Midnight_Chill, Segovo, and NightAngelYT. The event went as smoothly as it could have and many attendees remarked at the spectacular fireworks and redstone. Some gifts were given to Dragonbreathjr.


After going on for approximately one hour, the party officially ended. The party site was never demolished and can still be seen by travelling north-east of Hooliville. The party warp is no longer functioning. Jbko6 and Dragonbreathjr continued to be active on the server. After the party, more events began to pop up on FroobWorld due to the addition of the #player-events channel.