Harfell Ren Faire

From FroobWorld Wiki

The Harfell Ren Faire is a renaissance fair located in Harfell's fairgrounds. There are many stands where players sell goods like crystals, wardens, armor, and much more!

Some activities include:

  • Pig racing tournaments
  • Fishing minigame
  • Exotic creature auction

The 1st Harfell Ren Faire was a disaster. It went so terribly that Stinkerism left the server for several months to calm down. The 2nd Harfell Ren Faire went much better, with Percy the Warden being auctioned off and the pig race tournament going well with IdkManIdk as the victor.

The 3rd Harfell Ren Faire has yet to come, but it promises to be the biggest and best yet.

A photo of the Harfell Fairgrounds.