Hunt for Alexler's Treasure

From FroobWorld Wiki

When Alexler left FroobWorld, he bestowed AinTheBrain with a book titled "farewell". It had encrypted messages supposedly in a Caesar cipher but Stinkerism, AinTheBrain, wavestalker, and michaelcap123 found nothing. At least that was the case until Alexler accidentally leaked the location of the second clue. AinTheBrain then used the patterns from the previous hint to locate the treasure (what a smart cookie)!

All in all, michaelcap123 obtained Alexler's old base, Stinkerism got 20 diamond blocks from Ain and a book on The Ranch's cartography (which featured a map of the nether roads Alexler built), and AinTheBrain got Alexler's coveted pants with Swift Sneak III.