Server guide/Making subareas

From FroobWorld Wiki

Subareas (alternatively, child areas or subclaims) are claims that exist within another, larger claim (the parent area). Subareas' settings (such as the allowed users) override those of the parent area. These areas are often forgotten or not widely known, but they are useful once you understand how to use them!

Purpose of subareas

Subareas can be used within other areas in order to change settings in only one region, while the rest of the area stays as it is.

Example uses include:

  • granting access to chests on the first floor of a shop, but not other floors
  • allowing explosions in a blast chamber inside your claim, but not in other areas of your base
  • allowing PvP in a stadium's fighting area, but not in the seating area

Making a subarea

Subareas may seem complicated at first, but they can be mastered easily! Below are the four steps needed to make a subarea.

Step Instruction
1. Identify Identify the area you are going to make a subarea in, to do this run the command /area here. This must be an area you own.

Use /area visualise <area name> to visualise the area for the next step.

2. Plot claim points Walk to the two corners that will define the bounds of your subarea, running /p1 in one corner and /p2 in the other.

The corners must be within the bounds of the area you identified in step 1.

3. Claiming Once the corners are selected you need to run the /setarea command in a specific syntax.

The syntax is: /setarea <main area name>:<subclaim name>.

Example: /setarea Nabtown:CommunityChests

4. Changing permissions To change settings of a subarea, it is the same as for a standard area, just using subarea naming syntax.

So in the case of our example, we might do /area remflag no-interact Nabtown:CommunityChests.

See the guide on modifying an area for more ways to modify an area.

It is also possible to make subareas within subareas following the same steps above. For example, using /setarea Nabtown:CommunityChests:VeteranChests to make a subarea of Nabtown:CommunityChests.

Ask a staff member in-game or ask in the Discord server if you need help with setting up a subarea.