Server guide/Protecting an area

From FroobWorld Wiki

This is a guide on how to request a protected area. Protected areas prevent other players from breaking or stealing your property.

Requesting an area

Players are able to request an area be protected to prevent other players disturbing their property.

Quick claim

This fastest way to request a protected area is to use the /claim command. This command allows you to request an area in a radius around the location at which you are standing (with a maximum of 50 blocks for the radius).

Follow these steps to quickly request a claim:

  1. Stand in the centre of the area you want to claim.
  2. Think of a name for the area. The name must only contain letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens. Make it obvious who owns the area: "frooby_house" is better than just "house".
  3. Decide on a radius depending on how large of an area you need to be (how many blocks in each direction you want to claim).
  4. Run the command /claim <radius> <area name> to submit an area request.

Your request will be reviewed and approved by a staff member.

Manual selection

If the area you need to protect is larger than allowed with the quick claim method, or if you need more fine-level control over the area's dimensions, you should use this manual selection method.

Follow these steps to request a claim by manually selecting the corners of the area:

  1. Stand in one corner of the area you want to claim and type /position1.
  2. Go to the opposite corner and type /position2.
  3. Think of a name for the area. The name must only contain letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens. Make it obvious who owns the area: "frooby_house" is better than just "house".
  4. Run the command /requestarea <area name> to submit an area request.

Your request will be reviewed and approved by a staff member.

Deleting claims

To delete a claim use the /delarea <area name> command. If an area is not yet approved, deleting it will cancel the request.

Editing your area

Areas are able to be edited both before and after they has been approved. See the guide on modifying an area for instructions.