Server guide/Showcase portals

From FroobWorld Wiki
OOFNUGGET_KING posing in front of a showcase portal on map 11.

This is a guide for requesting a showcase portal. Showcase portals are for notable builds that do not qualify for a town portal (i.e. if it is not a town).

Requesting a portal

Players are able to request a showcase portal for their build, allowing other players to freely and easily explore.

Eligibility criteria

The Froobtopian Zoo is an example of a build with a showcase portal.

To get a showcase portal, your build must have around 30 minutes of potential exploration/entertainment value. This means there must be something to explore or check out for an extended period of time. These kinds of portals are used for notable areas that are not towns. A good example of this is the Zoo on map 11 made by Nathaniel_3.

Submitting a request

If you believe your build meets the criteria for a showcase portal, follow these steps to request a portal:

  1. Stand at the location in your build where you want the portal to be set up. Ensure this spot has a portal platform already made up (a 2x2 or 3x3 platform where players will be teleported from when they stand on it).
  2. Think of a name for your build.
  3. Use the /modreq command to submit your request, including the name of your build in the message.

If successful, your portal will be placed in the Spawn Town portal hub. Starting at the spawn platform, follow the stonebrick path down one layer, following the tunnel that goes inwards you will find a water elevator. Going down three levels will bring you to the town and showcase portal room.