Server guide/Trusted guide

From FroobWorld Wiki

Trusted are a key part of our server, acting as the bridge between regular players and staff. Players are chosen to be Trusted for being level-headed, friendly, helpful and knowledgeable about the server. Continue to exhibit these qualities, and you'll do great!

Trusted have three main responsibilities:

  • Acting as the first line of defense by mitigating damage from malicious players
  • Upholding server rules by communicating with players and reporting issues
  • Spawn Town Duties

All Trusted responsibilities are non-mandatory, but are strongly encouraged.

Handling malicious players

Trusted are able to use /vanish and /teleport to monitor new or suspicious players. If a player is griefing or trolling, Trusted can use /restrict, /confine and /mute to stop them. Urgent issues should also be reported in Discord so they can be dealt with accordingly.

  • /restrict <player> <reason> prevents a player from building near spawn, towns and other players' bases.
  • /confine <player> <jail> <reason> is a last resort to lock a player in a secure location.
  • /mute <player> <duration> <reason> prevents a player from using public chat.

This is detailed further in a pinned message in Discord, and feel free to ask if you have any questions!

Communicating and reporting

By communicating rules and reprimanding players who break them, Trusted can help set expectations on the server. Where necessary, Trusted are encouraged to make /notes on players and report issues to staff, especially for troublesome players who do not commit major offenses and would not otherwise be punished. By making notes and submitting reports, Trusted are able to ensure that appropriate action and escalation is taken in these situations.

  • /notes <read/add> <player> can be used to read and create notes on players. This is very useful for minor offenses or other concerning behavior which we need to track. Checking a player's history can help reveal if the behavior in question is a pattern which needs to be escalated.

It may be helpful to keep in mind our punishment guide, which outlines the process that we follow for repeat offenses. We also have an extensive policy section. In general, we try to give players a couple of chances to correct their behavior, which is why consequences may not be immediately visible to other members. If you have any questions or concerns relating to this, let us know!

Spawn Town duties

Trusted have been given moderation of spawn, which mainly consists of watching for shops that breach spawn town rules, notifying the players who own those shops, and after an appropriate amount of time has elapsed, taking the shop down.

Helpful resources are the Spawn Town rules and minimum prices. This is detailed further in a pinned message in Discord, and feel free to ask if you have any questions!