Spawn Town rules

From FroobWorld Wiki

This page is a simple list of the rules that apply to the shops in Spawn Town.


The first 2 rows are reserved for shops. Any non-shop builds must be made outside the first 2 rows. Non-shop builds within the first 2 rows will be removed by the spawn committee after a 2 weeks notice.


Do not build outside your plot border. Any blocks outside borders will be removed without notice. Furthermore, do not change the plot border except for reasonable doorways.


Shops must comply with lag restrictions. Shops that do not comply will be removed. Restrictions per plot are:

  • 0 Powered beacons
  • 1 Glowing sign
  • 6 Banners
  • 15 Item frames
  • Only use barrels.
  • Ender chests ARE allowed.


Stay within build height limits. Shops that go outside the set limits will be removed by the spawn committee after a 2 week notice. The first row of plots is allowed 25 blocks, and each subsequent row is allowed +10 more as distance from spawn increases. There are no limits to how low you can go!


Inactive shops will be removed by the spawn committee. If a shop has been inactive for 2 weeks, the owner will get a 2 weeks notice via the in-game mail system. If there's no signs of activity after those 2 weeks, the shop will be removed.


Shops must be built within 2 weeks of claiming the plot. If a shop is not built by that time, the claim will be removed and the plot will be reset for the next person.


Prices cannot go under the set minimum prices. Shops that do go under these prices will be closed by the spawn committee until the owner fixes their prices. These prices can be found here: Minimum-prices


Only one shop per person/organization is allowed. This means you can't profit from or help with the upkeep of multiple shops. Organizations can't claim multiple plots as one for each member if they will actively help with the upkeep of the shops.


Use common sense when interpreting these rules. Any loopholes will not be appreciated and will cause a reaction from the spawn committee.


For every broken rule/removed shop, a player has 1 more chance, where they must rebuild one plot-row back. If rules are broken again, they will not be allowed to have a shop in Spawn Town.


All shops must have a clear sign displaying who owns the shop.

For questions, feel free to ask in the Discord server.