Server guide/Player shops
Unlike most other SMPs, all shops on FroobWorld run off the trust system. This means that shops that sell items and services have a price listed for it, and people using the shop are expected to provide the correct amount to purchase it.
Trust system
While claims do exist on the server (guide for them can be found here), many places around the server are not claimed or protected. This is due to the fact that it is against the rules to grief or steal. This plays into the whole trusting other players system the server runs off of. Items that are stolen are returned to the owners by admins, regardless of whether the build was protected or not. This facilitates a trust based trading system where players do not have to worry about losing their items to thieves.
Minimum prices
Most shops are located in Spawn Town, where minimum price rules apply. The minimum prices can be found here. The minimum price rules only apply in Spawn Town. If you have a shop outside of the spawn plots you can set prices to whatever you want.