Server guide/Trusted selection

From FroobWorld Wiki
Trusted players are active contributors to the FroobWorld community.

This guide explains the selection process for Trusted players on FroobWorld.

Trusted selection

Becoming Trusted is a recognition of a player's positive contributions to the FroobWorld community.


To be eligible for Trusted, players must:

  • Have joined the server at least two months ago.
  • Have been very active over the last month.
  • Be in good standing with the community (for example, not recently broken any rules).

Eligibility does not guarantee that a player will be selected for the role, as new Trusted are added based on the needs of the server. In practice, only around 10-20% of eligible players become Trusted. The process used to select Trusted is described in the next section.

Selection process

Around once a month, a list of eligible players is compiled and presented to existing Trusted players and Staff for consideration. Over the course of a couple of days, Trusted and Staff discuss who they think is a good fit for the role based on their experiences with them on the server. Discussion generally centres around maturity, friendliness, involvement in the community, and level-headedness. The discussion aims to reach a general consensus on who the strongest two or three candidates are. Invitations are then sent out to those selected, if any.

Things that can help your chances of becoming Trusted include:

  • Being an active and courteous contributor in-game, on Discord, and to the wiki.
  • Frequently contributing to community events.
  • Showing a good understanding of the server's features and helping others to use them (try familiarising yourself with the other guides).
  • Not getting into arguments with other players or making enemies.

Things that do not help your chances (and may even hurt them) include:

  • Making becoming Trusted your 'career' (it's fine to want Trusted, but if we perceive that as your only reason for doing things it becomes hard to judge your character).
  • Publicly making accusatory statements about other players (be discreet - if you're suspicious about someone, make a /modreq or message a staff member).
  • Giving new players items as soon as they join.
  • Chatting in an overly formal way (in the context of an online game, this can be perceived as rude).

Getting feedback

If you have been eligible for the role for a while and feel overlooked, you can message froobynooby on Discord for a summary of feedback received during the selection process.