
From FroobWorld Wiki
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Oliviaa313 is a player who joined the server on the 28th of November, 2022 in Map 11. She was formerly called Olivia313.


Oliviaa313's skin.
Oliviaa313's skin.
Join date28th of November, 2022

Olivia founded the Benevolent Montostanian Empire on the 28th of January 2023 having previously been a member of the nation of Ortopia. She would later return to Ortopia in July of 2024 to help re-develop the nation, before starting Karikiya on the 1st of February 2025. On the the 18th of April 2023, she received the trusted rank. She is an avid FroobWorld Wiki enjoyer.

While procrastinating studying for exams in 2022, Olivia stumbled across FroobWorld while looking for SMP servers to join having only got Minecraft for PC a few weeks prior. She loves the server and it's players.

Buildings & Projects

Although not an exhaustive list, below includes most of Olivia's builds/projects:

  • A (now abandoned) train station located Southwest of Old Spawn. This was originally intended to be the first building of a nation called Nyoto, with the project not being continued due to Olivia being invited to Ortopia.


The Senate building in the B.M.E., pre-Kastelo Square (25th of March, 2023).
  • The Montostan Castle, located in the heart of the B.M.E.. Abandoned.
  • B.M.E. Embassy located in the centre of Harfell. This marked the beginning of formal diplomatic relations with the two nations, which continues healthily to this day.
  • The Senate building. , hoped to serve as the governmental centre of the B.M.E., hosting the Senate and foreign councils. Abandoned.
  • Kastelo Square (name a W.I.P.), a central square in Kastelo City sitting on the steps of the Senate building.
  • The B.M.E. Central Railway Station, also known as 'B.M.E. Central', 'B.M.E. Central Station' was to serve as the railway link of the B.M.E. to all other nations on the server, spawn and the hub of all national rail/metro. Construction began on the 22nd of April, 2023. Abandoned.
  • The Southeastern Condominium of Montostan and Harfell (or the S.C.M.H.), created on the 25th of March 2023 to serve as a protective/preventative measure against a potential invasion or attack from WaffleKing during The WaffleKing Scare (February 2023 - April 2023). Note that this was built with other players, and continues as a cooperative project.


The Ortopian Library in Ortopia (1st of January, 2023).
  • The Ortopian Library, located in Ortopia. This was the first building she ever finished on Froobworld. Olivia had hoped it would become the centre of all literature on the server, and it is partnered with the Harfell Archives.
  • Olivia's old house in Ortopia, located beside the Ortopian Library.
  • A super-smelter in Ortopia, located beside the Ortopian Library (no-longer standing).
  • The Central Ortopian Train Station.
  • Headquarters of the Froobian Times.


  • Air base
  • "Radio towers"