The Waffle War

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The Waffle War
MapMap 11
DateMarch 2023 - ~June 2023 (~4 months).
Waffle Entente
Main Players Involved
Waffle Entente

Also known as The WaffleKing Scare, The Waffle War was a historical event on Map 11, which began in mid-March of 2023 and ended around June of the same year. As there was no major psychical confrontation between the two sides, the end of the war is hard to determine. With the Waffle "Entente" gradually growing more quiet as the summer wore on, the War came to a foggy and indeterminable end with no clear winning or loosing side.

The war led to the creation of the S.C.M.H. being founded by Olivia313 & Stinkerism, with the intent of the island being a protective/preventative measure against a potential invasion or attack from the Waffle Empire (modern day Pretorian Empire). The Coalition Against Waffles (henceforth given the abbreviation of C.A.W.) was also created as a result of the war, which saw the nations of Harfell, the B.M.E., Ortopia and The Warden's City form an alliance with the aim of keeping Waffle Empire leader, WaffleKing0407, in check.

Nation Leader Alliance
PretorianEmpireBannerNEW.jpg BannerOfErevan.jpg Erevan (autonomous state of the Pretorian Empire) Tsardall Waffle Entente
Harfell Banner.png Harfell Stinkerism C.A.W.
Ortopia banner.png Ortopia JGKelpChip C.A.W.
BME Banner.png The Benevolent Montostanian Empire Olivia313 C.A.W.
Ranch Banner.jpeg The Ranch Elksie Neutral
The Warden's City Mstir21 C.A.W.
PretorianEmpireBannerNEW.jpg Waffle Empire (Pretorian Empire) WaffleKing0407 Waffle Entente
Winterfallbanner.png Winterfall DRTre_The_Knight Waffle Entente





Progression of War

The C.A.W. document being drafted in Ortopia, Stinkerism can be seen standing at the podium (26th of March, 2023).
The CAW document being drafted in Ortopia (26th of March, 2023).

The Coalition Against Waffles

The Coalition Against Waffles (henceforth referred to as C.A.W.) was a formal alliance of major nations created to both keep the leader of the Waffle Empire, WaffleKing0407, in check as well as guarantee the signatories mutual support in the event of an invasion from the Waffle Empire. The C.A.W. alliance operated seperately from the F.P.N.E. (FroobWorld Pact of Nations and Empires).

The C.A.W. document was drafted and signed by group members in Ortopia Castle on the 26th of March, 2023. Signatories of the formal alliance comprised of the following nations & empires:

The Southeastern Condominium of Montostan and Harfell

Around a month after the S.C.M.H.'s creation, the B.M.E. & Harfell's flag fly along side one another beside the North Tower (23rd of April, 2023).

The Southeastern Condominium of Montostan and Harfell (henceforth referred to as the S.C.M.H. for brevity) was founded by the Keizer of Harfell, Stinkerism, and the leader of The Benevolent Montostanian Empire, Olivia313 on the 25th of March 2023 with the purpose of being a protective/preventative measure against a potential invasion or attack from the Waffle Empire.

Aftermath, Results & Legacy

The S.C.M.H. & Panticapol

(Details about the legacy of the SCMH will go here etc etc...)

The muncipality of Panticapol, which neighbors the S.C.M.H. (December, 2023).

(Detail Erevan & Pretorian relations will be added to this page)

The largest "joint city" of Erevan, the municipality of Panticapol was founded in December of 2023 with the purpose of strengthening Erevan's influence and claim on the S.C.M.H. colony, among other things.

As of February 15, 2025, Erevan has initiated a blockade against the S.C.M.H. in response to a long-standing territorial dispute over the islands. Erevan claims dejure ownership of these islands, asserting that it was colonized without the consent of the former emperor: WaffleKing0407.

The Embargo of the S.C.M.H. by Erevani ships