Benevolent Montostanian Empire

From FroobWorld Wiki


Benevolent Montostanian Empire
A map of the B.M.E.'s Čefatero (mainland), along with territories as of May 2023 (most self-declared/defined).
A map of the B.M.E.'s Čefatero (mainland), along with territories as of May 2023 (most self-declared/defined).
MapMap 11
Coordinatesx: 18770 z: -4600 (Overworld)
Founded28th of January 2023
Population5 Citizens

General Information

The Benevolent Montostanian Empire (henceforth referred to as the B.M.E.) is an Empire state from Map 11, with the capital city, Kastelo Urbo, located at 18770 64 -4600, North of the map centre. It was founded on the 28th of January 2023 by Olivia313. The B.M.E. came to be after founder Olivia313 left the nation of Ortopia, wishing to create her own country. Since that time, the nation has grown in population and in infrastructure/construction of buildings. Olivia313 stepped down from leadership on the 8th of February 2024, with Nathaniel____ becoming leader. Contained within the B.M.E.'s self defined borders is approximately 480,000 blocks squared. Currently the nation has 5 citizens: Olivia313, Kinoko_6040, Nathaniel____, BonesDaBoss, and PlateLOL (as of June 2023).

The translation of "Montostan", which can also be used to describe the nation, is taken from the Esperanto word for mountain (monto) and adding the suffix -stan meaning "place of". Therefore “Montostan” roughly means "Place of (the) mountain".

Set out in (the to be written) The Law of the Benevolent Montostanian Empire, it declares that the B.M.E. have two central languages. These are, in order of priority, Esperanto and English. All permanent signs must have Esperanto text, followed by English (although this is not a necessity). In the S.C.M.H, Dutch is also a secondary language as it is the official language of Harfell. In Article III, subsection 3, the B.M.E.'s policy on linguistic diversity is shown: "The B.M.E. will respect... linguistic diversity, if not actively embrace it."

The banner of the B.M.E., it was created on the 28th of January, 2023.

The banner of the B.M.E. has a red background with a white flower pattern design, and has only been changed once in the nation’s history from that of a white flower pattern design with a dark blue & cyan striped paly background in an initial design for the nation’s banner.


Members of the B.M.E.
Player Name Join Date
Olivia313 28th of January 2023
Kinoko_6040 29th of January 2023
JGKelpChip 29th of January 2023
Nathaniel____ 1st of June 2023
PlateLOL 7th of June 2023
... ...


The history of the B.M.E. is characterized by the following periods/events: Founding/Early History, The WaffleKing Scare and The First Summer Progression. It is important to note that historical records are occasionally patchy, and that the server/B.M.E.’s history constantly moving forward.

Founding/Early History

The B.M.E. was founded on the 28th of January 2023 by Olivia313, with the planning of Montostan Castle beginning and the creation of the existing banner. Although initial scouting of a suitable location had taken place over the week prior.

On the 29th of January 2023 the first of Montostan Castle's walls were constructed, along with the creation of an official passport template. The first ever Senator was appointed by Olivia (Kinoko_6040). Diplomatic relations with Ortopia are opened, with the King of Ortopia, JGKelpChip, being made a citizen.

On the 31st of January 2023, mass deforestation occurs in preparation for the countryside areas.

By the 2nd of February 2023, the original village which preceded Kastelo City was completely destroyed.

On the 11th of March 2023, construction begins on the B.M.E.'s first embassy, located in Harfell at the foot of the hill from the Château de Puanteur. Despite the two nation's contact spanning further back, this marks the beginning of formal relations with the two nations, which continues healthily to the present day.

On the 19th of March 2023, diplomatic relations are officially established with Winterfall, with the gifting of a totem of undying to Olivia313 from DRTre_the_Knight and disscusions of plans of constructing a future embassy. Just days later on the 26th of March 2023, relations between the two nations would become foggier due to Winterfall being perceived as a “Waffle puppet state” (see The WaffleKingScare, although no confrontation or discussion came from this matter.

The WaffleKing Scare

The C.A.W. document being drafted in Ortopia, Stinkerism can be seen standing at the podium (26th of March, 2023).

Joining with other nations which included Harfell, Ortopia, and The_Warden's_City, the B.M.E. joined the Coalition Against Waffles (or C.A.W.) on the 26th of March 2023 following the signing of an un-finished CAW document in Ortopia. This served as an alliance of nations to protect each other should Waffle Empire (modern day Pretorian Empire) related events escalate.

The Southeastern_Condominium_of_Montostan_and_Harfell (or the S.C.M.H.) was created on the 25th of March 2023 with the purpose of being a protective/preventative measure against a potential invasion or attack from WaffleKing0407.

The First Summer Progression

With the joining of Nathaniel____ on the 1st of June 2023, rapid progress began in West Kastelo Urbo both in construction of buildings and farms. Nathaniel____ was later that same day made Senator of the Island of New Samos, a new region which was brought under B.M.E. rule in an agreement with Nathaniel____.

Construction of Harfell’s embassy in the B.M.E. begins on the 27th of June, 2023.

Nathaniel____ Assumes Leadership


On the 8th of February, Olivia313 stepped down as leader of the B.M.E., leaving Nathaniel____ as the new leader.


Although not an exhaustive list, below includes some of the more important buildings of the B.M.E.

Montostan Castle

Built by: Olivia313, Kinoko_6040. Located in the heart of the B.M.E., it will become Olivia313's base once completed. (Name a W.I.P).

The Grand Zamenhof Hotel

Built by: Olivia313. Named after the creator of the Esperanto language, the Grand Zamenhof Hotel will serve those visiting the Empire (with it being conveniently located beside the future railway station).

The Senate Building

The façade of the Senate building in Kastelo City under construction, along with Kastelo Square (23rd of April 2023).

Built by: Olivia313. This building will eventually serve as the governmental centre of the B.M.E., hosting the Senate and foreign councils.

Kastelo Square

Built by: Olivia313. Although not a building, Kastelo Square in Kastelo City sits on the steps of the Senate building, and is an important geographical marker. (Name a W.I.P).

The B.M.E. Central Railway Station

B.M.E. Central Railway Station being built (23rd of April 2023).

Built by: Olivia313. Also known as 'B.M.E. Central' or, 'B.M.E. Central Station', it is currently being constructed behind the Grand Zamenhof Hotel and will serve as the railway link of the B.M.E. to (hopefully) all other nations on the server, along with spawn. It will also be the main connector to all national rail/metro. Construction began on the 22nd of April, 2023.

Riveria Public Smelter

The façade of the B.M.E.'s Riveria Public Smelter (6th of May, 2023).

Built by: Olivia313. The Public Smelter is located just South of Kastelo City in Muccio (town name a W.I.P.). The building surrounding the two smelters is still in construction, but was built and declared usable on the 6th of May, 2023. It is the first smelter ever to be constructed in the B.M.E., and the second building to be built in the town. The two smelters together can process ~6910 items at a time.


Below includes a list of all existing embassies that have been created by the B.M.E., within the state or in foreign states. It is worth noting that there are many embassies being worked on/organised logistically.

B.M.E. Embassy in Harfell

Built by: Olivia313, Kinoko_6040.

An embassy located in the centre of Harfell. This marked the beginning of formal diplomatic relations with the two nations, which continues healthily to this day. Limited services are available.

Harfell Embassy in B.M.E.

Built by: Olivia313.

Located in the centre of Kastelo Urbo looking onto the river. It neighbours the S.D.S. Ĉefatero Headquarters. Construction began on the 27th of June, 2023. It is currently closed to the public (as of 29th of June 2023).

 Note that from this section on, major formatting and content work is in progress. 

Provinces & Territories

Contained within the B.M.E.'s self defined borders is approximately 480,000 blocks squared. This is divided into provinces. There are six provinces in the B.M.E., four of which are in the Ĉefatero, or mainland, and two of which are external territories. These include

- Ĉefatero

- The Piceo Archipelago - The Southeastern Condominium of Montostan & Harfell (S.C.M.H.)

The biomes in the B.M.E. are estimated to number 18. These include:

- Waters

    • Cold Ocean
    • Lukewarm Ocean
    • Ocean
    • Warm Ocean
    • River

- Underground

    • Dripstone Caves
    • Lush Caves

- Badlands - Beach - Desert - Forest - Grove - Old Growth Spruce Taiga - Snowy Beach - Snowy Plains - Snowy Taiga - Taiga


Kastelo Urbo

View from Grand Zamenhof Hotel onto construction on East Kastelo Urbo (6th of May, 2023).




The Piceo Archipelago


The B.M.E.'s & Harfell's flag fly side by side in the S.C.M.H., beside the North Tower (23rd of April, 2023).


 This section is still a work in progress, it will be cleaned up soon. 

Governmental Documents

The Fundamental Rights of Citizen

The Constitution of the B.M.E. (known as the The Fundamental Rights of Citizen) was completed on the 17th of February 2023 by Olivia313. It precedes the Law of the Benevolent Montostanian Empire.

The Law of the Benevolent Montostanian Empire

Although still being drafted, this document follows The Fundamental Rights of Citizen.


Due to a low population, the current Senate is made up of a lower number of Senators than is seen to be ideal.

Current Senate & Leader


The leader of the B.M.E., Olivia313 originally founded the empire.

Senator of Kastelo City

The senator representing Kastelo City is Kinoko_6040. They were the first ever Senator of the B.M.E., and were appointed by Olivia313.

Senator of New Samos

The senator representing New Samos (page to be made) is [[Nathaniel____]. They were the second ever senator of the B.M.E., and were appointed by Olivia313. They have since made significant improvements to Kastelo City.