The Underground Mall

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The Underground Mall
Standing inside The Underground Mall
MapMap 11
Coordinatesx: 19910 z: 2290 (Overworld)
FoundedNovember 14th, 2024
A view from inside The Underground Mall

The Underground Mall is a shopping centre located beneath the town of Crateris in Froobworld.


The Underground Mall was conceived by RobotSausage as a means to generate more interest in the budding town of Crateris while at the same time, providing Froobworld residents with an alternative to having a shop at Spawn. What sets The Underground Mall apart from shopping at Spawn is the set of rules in place for building limitations, number of shops one player can have (2) and a lack of minimum prices for items.

Mall Information

Access To The Underground Mall

Crateris Town Warp

The Underground Mall can be accessed by any resident of Froobworld by going under the hill at the middle of Spawn and locating the town warp for Crateris. Upon warping to the town, signs will point you in the right direction.

The Tube

If you are a resident of Crateris and you want to travel the old fashioned way from a residential district but don't feel like walking, you can access the mall via The Tube. The main station for the east and west loops are found at the top floor of City Hall. Dropping down to ground level and walking towards the City Hall exit will bring up to one of two access points for the mall.

You can also access the mall by taking either the east or west Tube line and stopping at The Underground Mall Station & Lounge, and dropping down from there.

Mall Kiosks

The Mall started with 23 kiosks (pending expansion). Each kiosk is 8x8 (blocks) and the shop owner can remove the existing floor or ceiling and replace it with whatever they want. Corner kiosks can have their outside post altered/changed or removed. Shop owners can also use chests, in addition to shulker boxes or barrels. Glow signs and banners have no limitations at The Underground Mall.

A shop owner can choose to take two kiosks and merge them into one. The official shop rules are found in a book on a lecturn beside the mall fountain.


On February 10 2025, six new kiosks were added to the mall, bringing the total number of kiosks to 29. A further 12 were completed the following day. Plans to make these newest kiosks accessible to the public will be dependent on how quickly the existing kiosks become occupied.


Another thing that sets The Underground Mall apart from shopping at Spawn, is safety. Strictly managed to ensure no mobs are lurking in the shadows, shoppers never have to watch their backs at The Underground Mall.

Additional Images Of The Underground Mall

A view from inside The Underground Mall